UCSC NMR Spectrometers, Probes, and Capabilities


Bruker 800 MHz NMR

Console: Avance III HD

Software: TopSpin 3.5

RF Channels: 4

Standard Probe: 5 mm HCN TCI cryoprobe

        Optimized for bimolecular experiments

        Temp: -40 to 80 C

        Four channels: 1H, 13C, 15N, and lock (2H)

        Ideal for 1H, 13C, and 15N direct detection

            or 13C and 15N indirect detection

        Helium cooled carbon preamp

        Helium cooled nitrogen preamp


Varian 600 MHz NMR

Console: INOVA

Software: VnmrJ 4.1 with Biopack and Chempack

RF Channels: 3

Standard Probe: 5 mm HCN cold probe

        Optimized for bimolecular experiments

        Temp: 0 to 80 C

        Four channels: 1H, 13C, and 15N

        Ideal for 1H direct detection and 13C

            and 15N indirect detection


Bruker 500 MHz NMR

Console: Avance III HD

RF Channels: 4

Standard Probe: 5 mm BBO Smart Probe

Optimized for Small Molecule Elucidation

Temp: -150 to 150 C

Broad band: The inner NMR coil can be tuned to

    observe 19F or any nucleus in the range from

    31P (202.4 MHz) to 183W (20.8 MHz).

QNP Switch for observing 19F with 1H decoupling

    and to perform two dimensional 1H/19F


Ideal for both 1H/19F and X nucleus direct detection